Thursday, November 4, 2010

Voluntary Chicken

One evening, some time after dinner, when I was about 11 years old, I was sitting at the kitchen table, reading.

In walked my father. He opened the fridge door, took out a piece of chicken, and sat down and started eating it.

I was flabbergasted.

To my way of thinking, chicken was something you ate during meal time because you had to. But between meals, if you were an adult, you could eat whatever you wanted! So if my father had the munchies, and it wasn't meal time, and there were no adults to tell him what to do, then why on earth was he eating chicken -- when he could be having some candy?! In my world view, willingly choosing chicken over candy made about as much sense as choosing a trip to the dentist to have a cavity filled over a vacation in the sun.

My shock was so complete that if my father had opened the pantry, taken out the flour container, and begun to eat spoonfuls of flour, I don't think it would have surprised me any more.


  1. I could never eat chicken in it's orgiginal form untill I was 18.

  2. Original form? No one eats chickens in their original form--the feathers get in the way.

  3. I am only recently discovering, that, as an adult, leftover pasta IS a breakfast food. *pops it in the microwave*

  4. I'll go you one further: I sometimes enjoy leftover pizza -- straight out of the fridge!

  5. Definitely pizza. Also Chinese food. Why does Chinese takeout taste better the next moring?
