- They will never laugh at our bad haircut or our poor fashion choices.
- They will never ask you: "How on earth could you not know that?"
- They will never become indignant over our religious or political views.
- They will never come up with a snide remark that causes the entire group to laugh at you.
- They won't talk your ear off.
- We do not have to struggle to find a way to connect with them. Just a tickle here, a smile there, and a dash of "goo-goo", and we've won them over.
- Their expression of joy is so primal, and therefore so pure.
Babies do not judge us and do not criticize us. They do not as yet have the tools necessary to evaluate us and find us wanting. We do not have to put on any artificial mask with them, since they have not yet learned the social skills which make such masks necessary.
Loving babies and small children is easy. Adults -- not always as easy.
Every single person in life was once a baby. Perhaps the loftiest goal in life is to find a way to love every single person as much as we all love babies.
pets have the same characher as babies but they keep it much longer. and as you know Yetzer Lev Haadam ra mineorav